
Congratulations to Glove Her, the 2012 Softball Champions.
Fall 2012 |
Tuesday |
Sept 18 |
18:30 |
Glove Hers |
vs |
Big Rods |
cancelled due to rain |
Sept 25 |
18:00 |
Fermiers |
11 |
vs |
Hot Rods |
21 |
19:30 |
Glove Hers |
22 |
vs |
Big Rods |
24 |
Oct 2 |
No Games this week. |
Oct 9 |
18:00 |
Big Rods |
1 |
vs |
Fermier |
(def) |
19:15 |
Glove Hers |
19 |
vs |
Hot Rods |
15 |
Please note time change. |
Oct 16 |
17:30 |
Big Rods |
10 |
vs |
Hot Rods |
15 |
18:45 |
Fermiers |
12 |
vs |
Glove Hers |
26 |
Oct 22 |
17:30 |
Big Rods |
1 |
vs |
Fermiers |
0(def) |
19:00 |
Hot Rods |
18 |
vs |
Glove Her |
19 |
Oct 23 |
17:30 |
Big Rods |
14 |
vs |
Glove Her |
24 |
Teams |
Games |
Won |
Lost |
Tied |
GF |
GA |
Total Pts |
Def |
Big Rods |
2 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
35 |
37 |
7 |
0 |
Hot Rods |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
36 |
30 |
7 |
0 |
Glove Her |
3 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
41 |
39 |
7 |
0 |
Fermiers |
2 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
11 |
21 |
3 |
1 |
Violette Barriere
Karine Bergeron
Julien Bouchard
Samantha Dimitriaki
Albéric Fournier
Antony Glover C
Thomas Glover
Janick Hardy
Sadman Islam
Lucas McCartney alt
Scott Pemberton
Nolan Rogers |
Brandon Arnold
Patrick Bellefroid
Nicolas Glaude alt
Steve Glaude
Sheldon Grant
Kevin Hammond
Brett Mackechnie C
Brandon Maither
Emily Mastine
Jonathan Reilley |
Justin Alary
Stephanie Belanger Naud Mélissa Bourdon
Emmanuel Brisson
Eric Delorme
Charles Leblanc alt
Karsten Miehe
Michael Oeggerli C
Adrian Spuhler
David Suter |
Francois Bachand
Marc Buetler
David-Alexandre Bedard Nick Enderle
Mark Gagnon
Martin Gagnon
Steven Handschin
Maxime Henderson Emmitt Lausas
Tommy Lauzon
Rony Odermatt
Mario Rogantini
Tonie Sutherland
Bobby Tolhurst |
• Games are played on Tuesdays, at 18:00, 19:30 and 21:00 on McEwen
Field and are 5 innings long.
• If it is raining at game time or if the field is too wet (McEwen field
drains well so it’s playable in a short time), the two teams must get
in touch with each other to decide whether or not to play. The decision is
not that of the coordinator, but he/she will arbitrate disputes over alleged
defaults. Do not simply assume that the game is cancelled or your team may
lose by default. Particularly, if the 18:00 game is cancelled due to rain,
this does not necessarily mean the 19:30 game will be.
• If you are unable to field a team for a scheduled game, let the other
team captain and the league coordinator and athletics know at least two days
in advance, otherwise you will forfeit the game (default).
• The home team for the 18:00 game picks up the equipment at Mac Athletics
in Stewart Complex, the home team of the last game returns the equipment to
athletics. If there is only one game scheduled, the home team returns the
equipment too. Note: You must have a McGill I.D. card to pick up the equipment.
• Please make sure the following information is on the scoresheet:
o each player’s full name
o the team names
o the inning by inning runs scored
o the final score
• The date, time, and teams playing should already be on the scoresheet
for each game, if not please use a blank scoresheet on the clipboard rather
than cross out teams from another scoresheet.
• The scoresheets and clipboard should be left in the equipment bag.
• Each team can field up to 10 players (mixed teams are welcome but
not mandatory, however (new in 2008) each woman playing at least 2 innings automatically counts 1 point for their team
irrespective of their batting).
• A minimum of 7 players is needed to start a game.
• A team defaults when it has
o less than 7 players 15 min after game time
o it uses a player listed on another team roster
o it does not show up at all. A 15 minute grace period is allowed from the
official start time (18:00 or 19:30 or 21:00) of a game
• The non-defaulting team can choose to waive any of these conditions
and play; however, in this case the result of the game is official even if
the non-defaulting team loses.
• All fielding players in one inning bat once in that inning. Pitchers
must bat and field in the inning they are pitching. Teams do not have to keep
the same batting order every inning; however, the batting order should be
established before batting starts, to avoid batters being shifted in the lineup
for specific situations.
• The batting team supplies the pitcher. Each batter must put into play
one of two pitches which do not strike the ground before reaching the line
formed by the front of the plate. The batter gets TWO chances to put the ball
in play, failing to do so, he/she is out. A foul ball on a second pitch is
an out.
• The "last batter" must be announced so that at least one
player of the opposing team acknowledges the fact. If the "last batter"
is not called, any runs scored as a result of his/her hitting are annuled.
If the "last batter" is announced prematurely the batter in question
becomes the last batter, regardless of his/her position in the batting order.
• The "last batter" is out, and the inning is over, when he/she:
o flies out.
o fails to put the ball in play after 2 pitches, or
o when the ball is thrown home before the last batter crosses the scoring
line. Any runs that score before the ball is thrown home count. If the ball
is thrown out-of-play, then all the runners can keep running until they score
or the ball is thrown home. On last batter, should the batter put the ball
into play with a fair hit ball on the ground, the only play is a force play
at home, runners cannot be forced out at any other base or tagged out on the
base paths. If the last batter flies out, the inning is over and no runs score..
• No batter can intentionally bunt. If a batter takes a full level swing
and the ball is only hit a few feet it is not ruled a bunt and the ball is
in play. A ball ruled as a bunt becomes a "foul ball."
• The pitcher cannot deliberately field or deflect the ball or the batter
is out, exception made of when the pitcher fields the ball to avoid getting
hit by it. If a pitcher is hit accidentally, it is ruled a "foul ball."
If the pitcher is hit accidentally on the second pitch the batter gets one
more pitch. If the batter hits the pitcher again the batter is out.
• A ball is foul only once it is caught or hits the ground in foul territory.
If a fly ball in foul territory hits a fielder and it caroms into fair territory
without hitting the ground in foul territory it is a fair ball.
• In order for a batter to "foul out" to the catcher, the
foul tip must go above the second bar of the backstop (about 3 m).
Please note the following NEW rules. They are put in place to avoid collisions
and injuries.
• There will be a commitment line placed 30 feet from home
plate, between 3 rd base & home plate; if a runner passes this marker,
the play is treated as a force at home. The runner will not be allowed to
return to 3rd base, and must attempt to score.
•There will be an imaginary line drawn at a 90 degree angle
from closest post of the the backstop to third base, know as the “scoring
line”. If the runner crosses this line before the catcher catches the
ball on home plate, the run scores.
•On plays at home, the catcher must force out the runner using
the regular home plate; the runners must run across the scoring line, therefore
not in the path of the ball, to avoid collisions at home plate. Tagging the
runner is not required as it is a force play, but should the runner be tagged
before they touch the scoring plate (ie, running from 3 rd base), then the
runner is out.
•For safety reasons, sliding is not permitted at home or at
any base. This also means a runner must come into the base under control so
as not to overun the base and be vulnerable to be tagged out.
• Runners cannot lead or steal. They can run only upon contact of the
bat and ball.
• Tagging up on fly balls, fair or foul but in-bounds is allowed.
• A runner is out if he/she:
o is struck by a ball hit in fair territory, unless he/she is on a base at
the time. A ball caroming off a runner in fair territory remains in play.
If a ball that is either fair or has not yet fallen in foul territory hits
a runner in contact with a base it is a fair ball.
o deliberately attempts to block a throw or physically interfere with a fielder
not in the baseline. If a runner is unintentionally hit by a thrown ball,
the ball remains in play.
o comes in contact with the basecoach while the ball is in play
o passes another runner on the basepaths
• The "out of play" lines start at the corner posts of the
backstop and run parallel to the first and third base lines and on out to
the end of the field. A fly ball caught "out of play" is not an
out and is ruled a “foul ball”. An overthrow at first or third
base, or at the plate (excluding last batter) entitles all runners to advance
one base, only if the ball goes "out of play."
• If a runner is more than half way to a base when the ball goes out-of-play,
the runner can take the base he/she is going to, plus one more.
• Mercy rule. If there is a fifteen point difference between
two teams the game is over. It is not fun for either team if there is no competition.
Safety is also a concern. If a team is just there for fun, the strong team
can have the victory for the standings and then the teams should be re-divided
to make two competitive teams. Stronger players are challenged to handicap
themselves by batting the other way. Stronger & experienced players should
help new players learn the game.
• Infielders must remain behind the extension of the backstop unless
they are coaching at 1st or 3rd .
• Outfielders cannot throw the ball back to the pitcher, unless they
come within the baselines to do so. Otherwise they must relay the ball to
an infielder. The pitcher does not have to play a ball thrown from an outfielder
in the outfield.
• Anyone throwing the ball to the pitcher in a manner other than “friendly”
is to be ejected from the game.
• Except for "last batter" all offensive play stops when the
ball is returned to the pitcher.
• The "game" balls supplied in the equipment bag are not to
be substituted for "real" leather-covered and stitched softballs.
If such a substitution is discovered, the batting teams forfeits any runs
scored or runners on base to that point in the inning, and the ball is removed
from play.
• The batting team supplies the umpires at first and third bases (these
are also the base coaches)
• The umpires call balls hit "fair," "foul," or
"out of play" along their respective baselines clearly and loudly.
The third base umpire calls foul pop-ups to the catcher, pitcher hit by the
• The first base umpire calls plays at first base and at home, the third
base umpire calls plays at second and third. Both umpires can call base leading,
stealing, tag-up plays, encroachment of the infielders, and throws from outfielders
to the pitcher. Concerning, leading, stealing, tag-up plays, encroachment,
the first call to a team is a warning, all subsequent calls are out (this
does not apply in the playoffs) If a team continues to throw to the pitcher
from the outfield the pitcher should not field the throw. It then remains
the responsibility of the fielding team.
• If the umpires did not see a play, the benefit of the doubt goes to
the runner/batter.
• The umpire's decision is final (the league coordinator's decisions
are carved in stone)
• Playoffs begin after all regular season games have been played.
• In the standings a team receives the following points
o win: 3
o tie: 2
o loss: 1
o default: 0 - also results in the loss of $25 of deposit
• Positions in the standings are based first on points, second on head
to head wins against the other team, and lastly on total runs scored
• After the 4 league games, the play-offs begin. 1st place vs 2nd, 3rd
vs 4th , 5th vs 6th . The draw incorporates the “Page” system
with the winner of the 1st vs 2nd teams getting a bye to the finals while
the other teams have to win remaining games to get to the finals. On the second
night of playoffs the winning teams must play and win a double header to advance.
• In the fall games can go into extra-innings where time permits
• Players must have played at least 25% of their teams regular season
games to be eligible to play in the playoffs. |