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2013 Competition Information
Our 53rd Annual Competition will be held Saturday, January 26th, 2013.
Registration Information
The entry fee is $325 per six (6) person team. This
fee will cover the cost of team meals as well as help offset the cost of
the wood. Team meals include the spare for the six person team. Payment should be made to McGill University (Macdonald Campus)
and must be received one week prior to the competition (Friday, January
18, 2013). If your registration form and entry fee is not received by this
date, we cannot guarantee meals for your team.
Please note that we will be providing squared wood at this year's competition.
The Macdonald Campus Woodsmen Competition is sanctioned by the Canadian Intercollegiate Lumberjacking Association (C.I.L.A.). Competitors are
required to complete the Eligibiity and Registration Forms listed at: www.lumberjacking.ca.
Competition Events and Team Participation
In addition to the CILA core events, we will have the Snowshoe Race as a pool singles event
To view the rules and regulations that apply to our competition, click on the events below.
Please note that each team member participates in 4 core team events, 1 core doubles event and 1 core singles event. There are 13
core events thus every team member competes equally, except for one participant who will also take part in our pool singles event: The Snowshoe Race. |
Captains Meeting - (attendance is mandatory)
Teams must pick up their information package at the Stewart Athletic Complex no later than 2000 on Friday. The Captains Meeting will be held in the
Centennial Center at 2100.
Scoring System |
Double Events (3) |
100 |
Single Events (7) |
100 |
Team Events (4) |
100 |
The team placing first will receive 100 points in the event. All remaining team scores will be proportional as to their times as compared with the first
team. Due to log diameter variance, conversion factors are applied to events where required.
Teams must provide their own equipment unless other arrangements have been made: saw horses, chain saw, matches and soap will be provided. In the chain
saw event, safety gear (helmet, visor, pants) will be provided and will be compulsory in the event.
There are no special rules governing the equipment, unless stated in the Rules and Regulations.
At the captains meeting, prior to the competition, the Captain of each team draws by lot to decide the team site with its accompanying bolts, logs,
etc... Specifics will be discussed at the Captains meeting.
Coaches are permitted in the competition area but must not assist their team in any way while an event is taking place.
Types of wood |
Red Pine |
Poplar |
Red Pine |
White Pine |
Red Pine |
Cedar |
* There will be no altering of the wood (e.g. peeling) prior to the event. Cleaning of the wood with a wire brush is allowed.
Judges will be Woodsmen/Woodswomen alumni and staff of McGill University. Any protests will be handled by the overall field judge and field marshals upon presentation on
the spot. The overall field judges' decision is final.
McGill University will not be responsible for any damages or injuries incurred at this meet. If you competed in last year's event and won the overall trophy, please return
the trophy for this year's competition. Teams not bringing back these trophies will not be allowed to register unless a bond is posted equal to the value of the trophy.
Only conventional axes may be used. No splitting mauls will be allowed.
This is an amateur, collegiate event. Each competitor must be a registered full time student at the college/university he/she represents. Student ID cards must be
carried by participants at all times in case proof of identity is requested.
Failure to comply with any of the rules will result in disqualification. The decision of the judges shall be final.
Schedule of Weekend Events
Friday, January 25, 2013
1600 - 2000 |
Team Information Packs available in the Stewart Athletic complex |
2100 |
Captains meeting in Centennial Center |
Saturday, January 26, 2013
0630-0800 |
Breakfast in Centennial Ball Room |
0800 |
Opening Ceremonies |
0805 |
Competition begins |
1000-1500 |
Cash Snack Bar |
1200 - 1300 |
Lunch in Centennial Center Ball Room |
1500 |
Ceilidh Bar Opens |
1600 |
Competition ends, awards following Competition in Ceilidh |
1830 - 1930 |
Dinner in Centennial Center Ball Room |
2000 |
Party in the Ceilidh with DJ |